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🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

🎉 Celebrate 2 Years with Us! Get 25% off with code 2YEARS 🎉

Share your Horse & Wagon's thumbnail

Share your Horse & Wagon - RedM Scripts

5.00 EUR

iconActual features

  • Turn ON/OFF the possibility to steal horse to player
  • Turn ON/OFF the possibility to steal horse to npc
  • Possibility to mount behind other player with (if Config.CanStealToPlayer = false)
  • Possibility to share your wagon


Enhance your RedM server with the Share Horse Wagon Script! This script allows players to share their horses and wagons, enabling them to transport other players. This feature adds a new level of cooperation and interaction, making your server's gameplay more immersive and engaging.

Key Features

  • Share Horses and Wagons: Players can share their horses and wagons with others.
  • Transport Other Players: Enable the transportation of other players for more collaborative gameplay.
  • Turn ON/OFF Stealing: Configure the ability to steal horses from players and NPCs.
    • Steal from Players: Turn ON/OFF the possibility to steal horses from other players.
    • Steal from NPCs: Turn ON/OFF the possibility to steal horses from NPCs.
  • Mount Behind Other Players: Players can mount behind other players with the 'E' key if horse stealing from players is disabled (Config.CanStealToPlayer = false).
  • Enhanced Interaction: Foster cooperation and teamwork among players.
  • Immersive Gameplay: Adds depth and realism to the game, enhancing the overall experience.

Upgrade your RedM server with the Share Horse Wagon Script and offer your players a new way to interact and collaborate, making their journeys more enjoyable and social.


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